Saturday, November 24, 2007


Why am I even bothering with this tag anyway? -_-"

List Out the TOP FIVE Presents You Wish For:

1. New laptop
2. Ticket to watch Chris Rock live in London!
3. Malaysian hawker food.
4. Free vouchers for anything in London
5. Anything from my dear Wan Ling

List Out the REASONS for Your Choices:

1. Because my faithful IBM T42 is acting it's age. Still a tough cookie, though.
2. Because I'm a great fan of stand-up comedy, and Chris is one of the very best in the business.
3. Because I heart char kuay teow. And prawn mee. And loh mai kai. And chao loh bak koh. And the list can go on forever...
4. Because everything here is soooo feckin' expen$ive!
5. Because I treasure every little thing that comes from her. =)

The Person Who TAGGED You is:

Huang Sue Jian


1. Tall - I seriously mean it. Suzz please don't wear heels when you're walking next to me! Height is a serious issue when it comes to guys - it's an inferiority complex.
2. A great listener. A great talker too. Talks a bit too quickly sometimes :P
3. Celebrity blogger! To me, at least. I visit her blog more often than I do!
4. Jap freak. Adores everything that comes from Japan. I'm probably guilty of planting the seed, though.
5. The ultimate confidante. :)


Giving me the inspiration to blog!.... though my blog posts are pretty uninspired. Says so much about the source of inspiration, though :P

(doesn't need to be technologically advanced):

Dreamweaver. Trust me, you don't wanna edit HTML manually all the time.

What Do You DESPISE the Most:

1. Calculus (measuring hyperplanes in n dimensions wtf?!)
2. Linear Algebra (again. wtf?!)
3. Lies
4. Failure
5. A cold winter night - my hands are practically half-numb as I type this
6. Cafeteria food at The Leys! Thank God I've been liberated from that suffering!

SIX PEOPLE You Wanna Tag:

Some algebra here. Let:
x = Anyone who wants to do this tag
y = Total number of people whom I wanna tag

y = 6x

OK, that's cheating but you get the point.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


其实周董的最新专辑是充满 "lame" 歌. 但这么多lame歌之中,也有一两首算是蛮好听一下.请大家欣赏:

超好听啦!! 改次去唱KTV confirm 要唱!